Leg structure - knees point inward?While starting some new exercises, I found I was having difficulty with some of the postures. Looking at it more closely, I think it may be an issue with how my legs are formed. When my feet point straight forward, my knees actually turn inward. So for example, if I tried to sit down in a chair with my feet pointed straight forward, I could not because my knees would hit each other. If I stand with my knees pointed straight forward, my feet naturally point outward by about thirty degrees or so.
Am I making something of nothing? I'm not in the habit of studying people's legs. I thought at first that it might just be that I'm not flexible right now, but thinking about it more I don't know of any muscle or ligament that I could stretch that would allow my foot to rotate that significantly with respect to my knee.
Just to clarify, my legs are straight - not bow legged. The issue looks like a rotation of my tibia along its length, but the bone is still straight.
- *~*~*
Its quite normal, but it looks like you may be defficient in calcium, this usually results in crooked and bow legs... It's something that can be fixed with a little physical therapy... I think the calcium thing might be too late though, looks like you missed out on that in childhood when your bones are developing. But if you are concerned enough, just talk to a doctor, it doesn't look like its a serious problem though, but something you should get checked out.
- nybauhaus
It sounds like you have a condition called external tibial torsion or possibly femoral anteversion. I would find a podiatrist if it is painful:
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: Leg structure - knees point inward?
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