Why does my knee keep popping out of place?My knee often pops out of place momentarily. It is excruciating. It is become more frequent and the pain is increasing exponentially and the duration of the pain is also getting longer and longer. Today I can't walk from my knee popping out while I was standing last night.
- Bree
I have this. And I definitely know what you mean about the excruciating pain. It's the worse pain I've ever felt! The popping out is called a Patella Subluxation. When it pops out only once, you probably have either severely damaged a ligament or torn it. For me, I tore my MPFL. You can google it to see if you match the symptoms. It can be caused be several different things. One is if you are female, a larger Q angle. The Q Angle is the line from the hip to knee. Another problem could be a patella tilt. Either way, you need to see a doctor about this. You really need to get it checked on right away.
For me, I have had my knee pop out 7 times and now I'm having surgery from all the damage done! Make sure you find a way to stop the popping out before it becomes a problem and really messes with your everyday life.
For more information, you can go go www.kneeguru.co.uk it's an excellent site where people with all sorts of knee issues can post and comment and support one another. Good luck to you!
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