How can I relieve my knee pain?I have a pain when I get up, sit down, walk up the stairs, and generally whenever I use my knees. It hurts about an inch under the middle of the knee cap. Help??
- Just me
More than likely you have arthritis that is effecting the underside of the knee. I know that I have this in both my knees and they hurt all the time. You need to go and get seen by a doctor if you are in the early stages there are so many more treatment options a viable now than what I had when all this started with me.
- Pedorthist
Your problem could be a number of different issues. you may want to visit a new web site that deals with feet and feet related issues (i.e. knee, hip and back pain). The site is creating interactive features( yourtube, facebook, twitter etc.) that will allow people like you to interact with feet specialist. It's all free. They have a couple of videos on their web site and youtube. Don't know if they have actually implemented all phases. They are also on Twitter so maybe you can get some answers that way. Their email is if you want more info. Web They have a Q&A on their web page and maybe that might help. They have established a Twitter account at but for now it might be better to send your question via email.
Hi,I did the following:
KneedIT Pain Relief Knee Band
Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...
Orignal From: How can I relieve my knee pain?
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