How long should it take to walk off a sore knee?I wound up walking on a paved street in a hilly city nonstop for about nine hours last week (yeah, okay, I got lost, I'm an idiot.) Anyway, by the time I actually hobbled home my knee was pretty sore, and there was a sharp pain in the centre of the sole of my foot. Six days later, bending the knee is still painful and the foot pain remains sharp whenever I walk on it. I'm thinking it's just a gastrocnemical strain, since the foot and knee thing happened at once.
I can't imagine it's more than simple strain that should work itself out; how long should I wait before getting it checked out? Anyone had these two related pains before?
- mars
maybe you should go to a doctor because its not normal to have this kind of pain for 6 days in a row,, i had a lesion on both knees, and whenever i exercise too much or something, I end up having this kins of pains but for 3 day or so,, maybe the best is to go to a doctor
- proffalken1975
Well walking more wont help. Your leg probably just needs some down time. Soaking the muscles in epsom salts may also help.
- neenee_nickie
- sheilasheila44
YES .. you should go and get it checked right now.. why are you walking around on your leg if you have done damage to it .. you should have your leg up and resting it. so get your big but up to the docs and see whats going on with your leg , well knee and foot.
- Mikey
I won't know much, as I am only 13, but i am pretty smart. I figured out mostly everything a dad will tell u when he gives u the "sex talk" by the time i was 10. Sorry getting off the subject. Anyways, if ur knee gets worse, go to ur doctor, maybe have it x-rayed for any small fractures. If ur soreness is the one i'm thinking of, the same thing happended to my dad's shoulder, and it turned out that he had twisted it in such away that a bone spur was allowed to grow clean out of the socket.
Orignal From: How long should it take to walk off a sore knee?
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