
Knee Arthritis like pain after sports?

Knee Arthritis like pain after sports?The last couple times I have played football and soccer I have had this arthritis like pain in both my knees after about 20 minutes of playing hard.The pain is all around my knee and feels like something internal like bone/joint pain. The pain goes away after about 1 hr of resting after the sports and feel normal until the next time I do a hard activity on the knees. This has never been a problem before and started the last 2-3 times I have played competitive sports. Any ideas???
Thanks for the answers, here are some details:
-No abnormal swelling noticed
-No clicking or popping or any noises
-Used to have "jumpers knee" (this has not been a issue for 8 yrs)
-Have been playing more then normal amounts of sports latley (could be overuse pain?)
-When paining, does not hurt to touch (pain feels internal-knees feel weak
-Pain goes away after about a hr of rest after activity, and feels fine until next time


- ljdreamer25
Could be bursitis or arthritis. Its hard to say. be sure to ice knees after overuse and take an something like ibuprofen before and after to reduce inflammation. Also try taking some sort of joint medicine on a daily basis which uses a special formula to cushion the joints. I recommend something like Osteo-Bi-Flex or something like it, Be sure it contains MSM. It has to be taken everyday and needs at least seven days to get into your system and start working but it should help.

- Studly
Well it depends. If you hear any clicking or popping it may be a torn meniscus. If you have a lot of swelling.. It could be bursitis. If it is very tender to the touch on both sides of the knee cap it could be fat pad contusion. But im gonna guess without any other clues that it may be patellofemoral stress syndrome.

- John Sudnik
It sounds like it could be an arthritis related pain, but many conditions have similar symptoms. You should go to the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

In the mean time, there are a couple things you can try.
1.) Heat/Cold Compresses
2.) Elevation
3.) Glucosamine Supplement. Liquid Glucosamine can tackle arthritis symptoms naturally
4.) Weight Control (although it sounds like you are already active)
5) Stay hydrated

Good luck!

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