
Knee Pain Remedy?

Knee Pain Remedy?I am experiencing slight pain on the side of my knee. Should I ice it or heat it to relieve pain and why?

- supercityrob
Take a look at this page and see if it helps you answer your question: http://ezinearticles.com/?Approaches-to-Knee-Pain-Relief&id=68695 Good luck!

- Henry
Neither, instead see a doctor to find out what's causing it and then follow his advice.

- craftgirl03
Ice will take down any swelling.

- Nightrider
The body is a strange but a wonderful thing........
It communicates with you. The only language it knows is pain. (of course pleasure too, but that's another story.....!!)

So, you listen. Listen good. Knee pain tells you that it is under trauma and needs care. No one but a professional can adequately answer why it is paining. May be thru MRI..? Thru a series of tests?

You did not say how old you are. If you are young -- (under 40), are you engaged in intense sports? Tennis, Volleyball, football, basket ball - all these sports require sudden jerky movements to your knee.

Or, do you pray a lot on your knee. Don't laugh - it does give troubles.

Bottom line - see a doc.

I just had knee surgery and they told me to ice it. Why? I don't know?????????????? Good Luck

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