
Knee trouble?

Knee trouble?I have a 16 year old son with knee trouble he is 6' 4" and has already had major surgery, he has alot of athletic talent but knee is very week, any possible exercises and special diet or different training that might help

- adisma98
See your doctor. The doctor can recommend to see specialist for therapy and rehabilitation.Any possible exercise should be evaluated and recommended by specialist in that field.

- Kelsey D
Make sure he is getting plenty of calcium.
Go to a chiropractor. Your son's knee weakness may be because of weak or tight ligaments that connect the quads to the knee.
To help, have him do some quad strengthening and make sure he stretches before, after, and other times of the day.

- alianna_hodiya
First of all, What is his Knee Trouble? I hope he feels better. Since he is really tall that may be a fact in his knee trouble. Perhaps he injured it in some way. Ask the Dr or Physical Therapist about his knee and what Knee exercises he should be doing. Also ask the DR about the diet part. I do not know too much about that. I only know a few Knee exercises he should be doing, Besides Range of Motion, He should be doing straight leg raises and lots of hamstring work. I would ask the physical therapist about the exercises for the knee.

- doomjockey
ive dislocated and otherwise F*ed up both of my knees. the words of wisdom my doctor gave me, doing quad and calf strengthening excercises such as light squats and stuff the strengthen the muscle around the knee because my ligaments have gone to crap. I still havent had surgery and they hurt like hell every day, but they still work. strengthening around it helps the ligaments do the job that they arent anymore.

- Angela M
Tall people usually have some sort of leg problems, If he is in sports, he needs to keep his legs strong. there are excercises for quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, etc. also, tell him dont slouch because a weak, curved spine will mess him up. make sure he always has plent of leg room (which is difficult because he's so tall) in the car, dining room table, a long bed, etc. He can jog and jump rope to strengthen legs in general.

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