
Runners Knee?

Runners Knee?What is runners knee? Cause i have problems with my right knee... that leg is shorter than my left leg...

- jack bauer
We need to go out to dinner and after, I will examine the situation to the best of my ability.

- schmidtee
It might be your IT band. Does it hurt on the outter side of your knee? You could try doing stretches by crossing one leg over the other and reaching for the foot of the leg that is behind the other. If you are having problems with running though and your leg is a bit shorter, you might want to visit an orthopedic surgeon to see about getting orthotics and measuring your legs. Perhaps an insert will help. Good luck.

- lestermount
If one leg is shorter than the other leg it can cause problems. Usually they include knee, hip, and back aches. If the leg difference is your problem you can get inserts to balance yourself.

- Rick Shaw
Many times, it is just tight muscles that pull up on one leg, making it seem shorter than the other, the femurs are actually the same length. If this is the case, then getting heel lifts/orthotics will just exacerbate the problem.

I would see a physical therapist or a sports doctor to figure out what the problem is.

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