
What's a good stretch or exercise for stiff knees?

What's a good stretch or exercise for stiff knees?I walk about an hour (in total) everyday, and I recently started working in a restuarant and am on my feet all day for the first time in 3 years. Sometimes it really hurts when i have to squat.. how can i prevent that?

- texasgal_n_ga
Hi there! I have pretty bad knees as well, and i've heard that tae kwon do (not sure on the spelling) is supposed to be good for the knees. I plan on checking it out in the next few weeks.

- C. S
Squatting is one of the toughest things for your knees! I speak from experience. Bike riding is great for knees and I've been told swimming is ,too, but that's not my thing. Make sure you have the best possible shoes you can afford for walking, too.

- Dude
its already too late, the only thing you can do at this point is sever your kneecaps with a large rusty battle axe. and remember no sedatives wimp.

HOLY SPIRIT suggest You use Vitamins!
B-6...70 mg/ B-12...70 mg/ C....70mg/E...700 i.u./ A&D ...3 at a time!
take above Vitamins 3 times a day with Orange juice, NO milk, NO food, for 3 days while fasting! You wont die from a 3 day fast and you can work while fasting! You can also drink distilled water! Your body needs to fast to heal! Vitamins Heal! Foods make Vitamins less aggressive!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...

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