
Why is the back of my knee aching me so much?

Why is the back of my knee aching me so much?For the past 6 months at least the back of my knee is aching & paining me so much?
I thought maybe i'd strained it through exercise but surely it would be fixed by now & not continue to ache on and off?
I really made a special effort to rest it too but still it really is sore.
What could it be & what should i do?
Give your answer to this question below! Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...
Hi,I did the following:

Bad Knees, Tennis Elbow, Aching Knees & Serrapeptase

How Serrapeptase can elimiate pain from sports, such as bad kness or tennis elbow. This case study proved a week turnaround by removing harmfull inflammation. Great application for; sports, aching knees anterior knee pain, arthritis of the knee, joint pain relief, knee arthritis and much more. Prevent sweling and surgery with Serrapeptase.

Knee Disorders Treatment, Causes, Exercises, Prevention Tips, Symptoms ...

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