
back of knee pain, calf pain, and birth control pills?

back of knee pain, calf pain, and birth control pills?Today while shopping I started to feel pain in the back of my left knee and my upper calf towards my knee (but not my entire calf). I've been taking birth control pills since November due to heavy periods and anemia (also taking iron supplements for anemia) and I am wondering if this could possibly be a blood clot related to taking birth control. The pain I feel is not intense, it's very dull and just kind of "there;" when I move my leg (flex, walk, etc) the pain does not worsen. Also for the past week, I have also been very tired lately even though I've been getting 8 + hours of sleep AND taking 2 + hour naps during the day. If it helps, I am 20 years old, do not smoke or drink...should I be concerned, or wait till I graduate nursing school before I continue to self- diagnose? Thanks!

- Meg
Yeah I'd go see a doctor especially since birth control pills are known to cause blood clots and if it is a clot you don't want it to become dislodged, better to be safe than sorry and take precaution the doctors aren't going to get mad at you lol good luck

- Miranda
It could be related to your pills, but I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of clot right away. If you're super concerned about clotting, you could try taking baby aspirin, 2 pills a day to prevent further clotting. Since it only just started today, I might do that and then wait to see if it does continue. As for the amount of sleep you are getting, I'm thinking that maybe the stress of school is having an effect on you and if this keeps going on, both the pain and the hypersomnia, I would ask your doctor if you could try a different pill. I also am in a medical field, am taking birth control for heavy periods and anemia and I'm 21, so I know exactly what you're talking about. The only difference is that I've been on birth control since I was 13 because I started having problems when I was twelve. I won't go into detail, but basically I tried three different birth control pills and two types of pain killers before I settled on Depo Provera, which I have now been on for two years. Each pill I tried, I took for 2-3 months for them to fully settle and take effect. Just keep talking to your doctor about how your treatment is working for you. Obviously you know it all has to do with hormones and although we call it "the pill" there are many different drugs and each drug is different for everyone. Good luck!

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