
Diagnosis and Management of Knee Dislocations (The Physician and Sportsmedicine)

Diagnosis and Management of Knee Dislocations (The Physician and Sportsmedicine)

An acute knee dislocation is an uncommon injury, with a high rate of associated vascular and neurologic injuries as well as potentially limb-threatening complications. High-energy trauma is the most common cause of an acute knee dislocation, although lower-energy injuries, such as those sustained during athletic competition, are increasing in incidence. Injuries to the popliteal artery and common peroneal nerve are relatively common, requiring a high index of suspicion and complete neurovascular examination in a timely fashion. All cases of suspected knee dislocation should have an ankle-brachial index performed, reserving arteriography for those with an abnormal finding. Initial management consists of closed reduction, if possible, and app

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Diagnosis and Management of Knee Dislocations (The Physician and Sportsmedicine)

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