
How can get relief from pain and swelling of left knee?

How can get relief from pain and swelling of left knee?I injured my left knee (sprain) during a sporting event 6 weeks ago. First few days I followed the self-care directions (cold packs, elevated above heart while sleeping, no load on the weak knee etc.). There is no significant pain but when I wake every morning there is stiffness, swelling in the knee area and a dull pain until I warm up with some strech exercises. After a warm shower it is ok. But by evening, the pain is back with a bit of swelling.

What advice you have for me to get back strength in my knees. I am dying to get back to my favorite sport - Tennis.

- Russell
put a bandage round it, it worked for me, i could barely walk on saturday, now its fine

- paul y
pack that knee with ice to reduce your swelling
take Motrin or better yet alieve.

stay off your leg until the swelling goes down.
sometimes you have to wrap in a ace bandage but see a sports trainer or coach as they know a lot about this problem

- Stephanie B
Try icy hot that always works for me! maby a pain reliever.

- komal_kavya
check out this article which explains how to strengthen knees


- supergenius
First, see a medical professional. He will probably prescribe you anti-inflammatories that reduce swelling, hence, reducing pain.
That doesn't mean you are healed. Better get an MRI.

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