
How can I get rid of a sore knee?

How can I get rid of a sore knee?My left knee just started getting painfull about a week ago and when I wake up in the morning it's perfectly fine but later in the day when I walk fast or run my knee gets sore again. How can I fix it

- martina s
Soak a small towel in warm-hot water and wrap it around your knee. Massage your knee while the towel is on your knee.
Or put a cold ice pack on your knee and wrap the ice pack with a small towel :D
If these suggestions do not improve your knee consult a doctor :)

- Star Osman
giv e it some rest time and don walk or run it might have a scrap

- Maria Eloisa G
consult the doctor. here's a symptom checker: http://symptoms.webmd.com/symptomchecker
good luck to your health

- puss
Try a cold compress if that don't work and its swollen you may have gout or arthritis if that's the case gp can do a blood test to see

- Rick Rocker
Wear a knee brace while running. That should help the pain.

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