
How to deal with painful knee?

How to deal with painful knee?I may have suffered knee injury from over-doing step (without prior excercise) stupid, I know... hindsight is 20/20 :( and/or tripping over someone in the same day. In either case It took 20 hrs or so for my knee to swell up a bit and get painful. But the pain has been increasing since yeasterday. I don't really want to go to the doctor because everytime I do I end up feeling like a silly hypochondriac. Does anyone have suggestions for reducing the pain? (The specific area is on the left side of the left knee cap-- on the topish of the knee cap... but the sides hurt too)

- infoman89032
you probably just sprain it and a bruise on top of it just wrap it and stay off it has much as youy can is about all a doc could do or tell you... if its not purple and you can still walk i dont think its real bad just hurts ice and heat heat or ice advil hurt both of mine and man the truth 30yrs and they still hurt sometimes

- Pear
get some Icy hot or you can make hot and cold packs. Cold to still numb it away and hot to reduce the swelling. Also get some Ibuprofine to help with the pain and the swelling.

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