I think I have knee cancer, help me please.?I watched a movie the other day in my childcare classs and it was called 'one childs wish'. It is about a girl whose knee hurted and when they went to the doctor, they didn't seeanything wrong. They told her to go to a specialist. She did and they wanted to take a biopsy, which they did and she ended up having cancer in her knee and had 2 get her leg amputated. And that's the same thing thts happening to me, I'm going to a specialist on monday and I'm terrified for my life. My knee is kinda swollen and it hurts on the sides and on the bottom of my knee cap. Its been like this for like a week or so. I can't really walk on it like I could earlier in the week. The only difference between me and the girl in the movie is that she's been having the pain in her knee for 6 months and she played soccer. My knee pain has only been here for a week and all I do is run. I've been running for a month now and ever since I stopped last week, is when it started hurting. I went to a doctor and asked her what I thought it was [cancer] and she doesn't think it is but I still have to go to a specialist. idk what it could be but I HOPE TO GOD its not cancer..what are everyones ideas? I really don't know...
- BenniC
I have a friend who had a problem with her knees. Her knees hurt all the time and she was quite active. She went to a doctor who sent her to a specialist, turned out she only had fluid on her knees. It is very common. Just think about it, cancer in the knee is not a common occurrence. Look on the bright side.......always do this, life can be hard sometimes but we need to Hope for the best and expect the worst, so when things are sprung upon us, we are completely and utterly prepared.
But on the bright side, I don't really think you have cancer....... especially if your doctor says so.
It could be torn ligaments my granddaughter had it in her knee from running hope it is for you I don't mean I want you in pain I just hope its not Cancer. good luck.
- mohit v
I have a strong feeling it is osgood schlatter which is not very serious, it happens to athletes. Google it. God bless!
Hope this helped
- Tarkarri
Sounds more like fluid on the knee, which is a lot more common than cancer of the knee.
- Cassie!(L
i feel your pain
i dance at my school
and last year i hurt my knee.
didn't go to the doctor
didn't think it was anything.
but it started hurting bad again this year
during dance
went to the doctor. found out my knee cap doen't sit in the socket
and they found 3 sports on my x-ray
have to have an mri
done to find out if its cancer
i'm really scared.
Orignal From: I think I have knee cancer, help me please.?
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