
Is there a cure for aching knee?

Is there a cure for aching knee?Is there a cure for aching knee?

- <3

- Douglas B
Yes, for most knee pain is caused by the kneecap and the tendon that attaches it. Like other tendons in the body this one is also capable of shortening up and when it does it pulls the kneecap up on and into the knee. When that happens it becomes painful and makes it hard to bend that knee. Here is how to release that tendon:
Kneecap: (Use a chair that has no cross members on it.)
While sitting start with your leg out in front of you extended out to a comfortable length. Wrap your hands around it so you leave a open working area. Place your thumbs about two inches behind your knee and press into the top middle of your leg hard and hold. Relax. After 30 seconds, slowly slide that leg back until it is pulled up under the chair as far as you can make it go. Then release the pressure but hold your leg there for one minute longer.
You must maintain a good amount of pressure on this at all times for it to work. If it doesn't the first time give it another try.

- TexasRiverRat
I expect you'd have to go to a doctor for a cure, but I can offer some treatments or stop-gap measures.

1. If it's a chronic ache rather than an acute injury you can take naproxn. The brand name is aleve, but many drug stores and grocery stores carry their own brand that will cost less.

2. Applications of heat may help. There are any number of products that can help with that. Or you can use moist heat with a small towel, dampened and microwaved to a comfortable temperature.

3. Mild exercises may help. Gentle bending (not deep knee bends) will offer you a little more flexibility.

If these measures don't help or if the pain persists, do make an appointment. Perhaps you need an x-ray to determine if there's an occult injury or the beginning of arthritis.

I hope you get some relief soon.

- CrazyHorseLady
If there is a cure i sure wish that I knew what it was. Both my knees hurt pretty much ALL the time.

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