
Knee Disorders: how do l treat my knee injury?

how do l treat my knee injury?l'm a fifty year old male who has an overuse injury in my knee from favoring my other leg. l have osteoarthritis in the knee. don't know why but during the blizzard my knee flared up real bad. l do get symptoms during bad weather though. So, now l can hardly walk. li hurts. l can't bend it much. it hurts to stand and l have to limp to walk. How do l treat my sore knee?

- Jennifer
Hi,well for now you can try using an anti inflammatory medication for the inflammation,and also for the pain.And,you can also try using a moist heat wrap( a warm moist towel),and wrap that around your affected knee.Also,elevate your knee using if possible 2 pillows...And most important? You need to do some exercises,special for people who suffer from osteoarthritis.I suffer from Jaccouds Arthropathy,which is uncommon and most people have never heard of this medical condition.But,I know what your going through with this kind of pain,and I also experience even more pain when the weather acts up.I suggest you check for these safe exercises on 'Google' and follow the instructions also.You will most likely find great relief with these exercises,and also from the warm moist towel compresses.You can simply heat the moist towel in your microwave..and yes..it IS very safe to do this.I mean..heating the moist towel inside of your microwave oven.I wish you all the best and I hope some of my advice offers you some relief.Take care.

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