How do you relieve arthritis in knees?I have osteoarthritis in both of my knees, and at work I stand for 8 hours on a concrete floor. What can I do do to help relieve them? By the end of the night its hard to walk I tried ibuprofen and ice, and it doesn't help. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!
- ccarnes 3
Take more drugs. Have you tried Celebrex. My friend takes it for her knees and she tells me all the time that it really works. Also, soak in a nice hot bath when you get home and elevate your legs for better circulation. Put two pillows under your knees too at bed time. Hope that helps.
- Tonya d
hi, i have something that will help . me and mhusband are drinking something called Monavie, it has 19 different fruits in it. it is all natural. it also has glucosomone in it. the diffference between this and the glucosomine tablets is that this juice has liquid glucosomine and it absorbs 100 percent because it is liquid. My husband had bad knees until he started drinking this. the pain is now gone. go to and read that.. good luck
- Say Y
Walking is a good exercise for arthritis patient. It develops strength and makes the joints more mobile, while retaining health of the bones.
Running is good for people with mild arthritis. You can run on the soft surface, as it doesn't give rise to osteoarthritis.
Yoga is the best choice for arthritis patients. It eases the pressure off the joints, reduces pain and relaxes muscles. It is a very good range-of-motion exercise due to slow movements performed under pressure while relaxing via deep breathing. But if your situation worsens, do yoga carefully and avoid putting excess pressure on the painful joints.
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: How do you relieve arthritis in knees?
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