
Knee Disorders: I have a soar pain under my knee cap close to the cartilage.?

I have a soar pain under my knee cap close to the cartilage.?It hurts every time I apply pressure to it. Its the very top of my shin bone. It feels just a little swollen but its not. Its been like this for a couple years. What should I do, and does anyone know what kind of pain it is or is it a disease? And I noticed since I had it there Everytime I crawl or kneel the pressure from that bone hurts , so I can barely crawl or kneel. Please no jokes or junk answers. Im only 13. my birthday is the 9th of this month.

- someebeooddyyy
this happened to me..

i tore the ligiment which is underneath your knee cap. if its like this for a week or longer go to the doctor...put bengay on it and wrap it so it wont hurt to put pressure on it..

- Chaz
Matt...get this looked at. This sounds very much like arthritis. Kids do get it. You have to get to the doc because this will not get better. You have already seen this for yourself. If you keep putting off getting this treated...I don't want to scare you...but it surely can cripple you and you are too young to allow that to happen.

- hopebrendenply
Try these websites for medical information concerning your question.
http://www.revolutionhealth.com/symptom-checker/?s_kwcid=symptoms|855616194 . Mayo symptom checker
http://www.webmd.com has symptom checker

My best,

- Mike B
My suggestion (given you age) is to see a orthopedic doctor. What you are describing can be a very serious problem. And only a specialist should make a decision.

But medical science in joint problems has really advanced in the past 15 years. No longer do you see people in traction at the hospital.

Take it from me I ruined my knees playing sports in high school in the 70's and just 3 years ago I had to have both knees replaced.


- jonny boy
Wow I don't know what you have but it could be a minor problem that could be healed easily with proper treatment or it could grow worse if you don't take care of yourself. I've seen fellow friends, and acquaintaces end their soccer careers from knee injuries when they fail to get the proper treatment early on. I suggest you see a doctor because you can't diagnose a problem over the internet. Tell your parents and stay away from any sports in the meantime.
Do you play any sports? Did you ever get injured and failed to let yourself recover?
Whatever you have it should be able to get fixed but you need to see a doctor first.
If you have any other health issues you need to get it taken care of before it gets worse.

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