Im 15, how long would it take a twisted knee to heel ?I twisted my knee playing football, 5 days ago, it felt ok when i jogged on it wednesday for training then it started to hurt a bit after, at the moment its ok when i run its just if i turn it hurts a bit. Ive got a football match on tuesday, and i was just wondering how long it will take to heel because i really want to play. Its not a serious twist or anything.
- Ryan
Ice and give it at least 2 weeks off and you should be good.
- ez80227
it may bother you for the rest of your life, depending on how bad you twisted it. the best thing you can do for it is therapy and strength training. damaged both my knees skiing and they never bother me, while skiing, only on stairs.
- Francisco
that good if u run cause they might be out of place but u need to be care ful will play foot ball it better if u dont play but it well stop about 3 monthes if u keep runing
- Dollarman
I have often heard people twisted their ankle.. but seldom or never for knee. I am imagining that unless you have a rubber leg it hard to twist a knee.
Some solution... if there are any visible bruise, you can try to massage the bruise area with a boiled egg because it helps to disperse the blood that caused the bruise.
DONT EAT the egg after you use it to massage your leg. No matter how hungry you are, just dont fucking eat the EGG. Throw it.
If there is no visible bruise and it hurts, you can use a small towel and wrap some ice cubes and do some rubbing on th area that hurts. It will smooth the pain.
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: Im 15, how long would it take a twisted knee to heel ?
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