Knee replacement or prolotherapy which is the better option?My mother's age is 50+ , bulky and overweight thats why her joints do not support her complete weight. For several years she has been bearing pain in joints, the hands and legs get swollen. She awakes for almost half of the night every day. Kindly suggest what is the better option for her, Knee replacement or prolotherapy in which injection is given to strengthen joints or ligaments. She has already consulted so many doctor but the pain goes off for a short time and starts again.
- Live GREEN
If the knee joint is not yet degraded enough to warrant surgery,
an injection therapy such as prolotherapy or cortisone is advisable.
Since prolotherapy uses a more natural process, it should probably
be attempted first to see if it alone alleviates the symptoms.
If prolotherapy is unsuccessful, cortisone can then be tried and if it then
fails to provide relief, the option of some type surgery is still available.
Hi,I did the following:
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: Knee replacement or prolotherapy which is the better option?
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