
Knee Disorders: Why does my knee ache right before it rains?

Why does my knee ache right before it rains?A lot of people think I'm crazy but I always know when it's going to rain because my right knee will start to throb. Why does this strange phenomenon occur?

- kisuki
Mine does that too. :(

- C.W.
Me too.. Welcome to the first stages of arthritis, Go see a doctor about it.

- Amanda C
That usually occurs when an injury has happened in that area. My wrists ankles and knees do it because i have either broken, dislocated or torn ligaments in those areas. It is the dampness that makes them ache.

- brebre
idk but i know that usually happens to old people and dogs

- Genny
what he said it is arthiritis my dad has it on his back

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