by Pahz
Knee pain at night?At night I get really bad knee pain. It has been happening for a long time it used to ache during the day and at night and all doctors said it was growing pain. When I turned 18 and still had the knee pain they had me get MRI cat scan x-rays and see orthopedics one said it was tendinitis the other two had no clue. They made me get orthopedic shoe inserts and bands for around my knees. I do heat and cold, I take pain meds, arthritis meds, sleeping pills, but nothing helps. I am sick of this and I do not know what to do. It is both knees. They feel better if they are being massaged. My knee cap can move around a bit when it is completely relaxed, but my doctor said some people just have that and that has nothing to do with the pain. I really NEED SLEEP...PLeaSe HeLp.
- Angel H
I had the same problem with my knees, the only difference was that my knees locked and I fell constantly. I went to a few doctors who had no idea what was wrong untill they did an orthoscopic knee surgery & found numerous things wrong, they removed a plica from under my knee cap & I had a few tears. You should talk to your doctor about this surgery because it will deffinitly help diagnose and fix your problem.
Orignal From: Knee pain at night?
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