
Knee Pain Problems- (Details)?

Knee Pain Problems- (Details)?So I've had knee pain for a long time in both knees but my left is really bothering me. (since last spring when I twisted it a weird way)

Volleyball season just started, so I swung into practice really hard

But on the very inside of my left knee has pain when I practice (once we get started- it used to only be when I was working out, then when I was working out and for about an hour after, but now it's been like, 3 and a half hours and it still hurts)

After it starts hurting (triggered by running/ jumping aka volleyball practice) it hurts to even walk

No noticeable swelling

It doesn't give out but I kind of lose control of it sometimes, and I can use it, but it's weak and it's hard to jump and my running strides get shortened by it because it lags a little bit

What is it? I wanna know because if it isn't serious then I don't want to go to a doctor because 1. They freak me out 2. I don't wanna have to wear a brace or be on crutches or physical therapy or that junk 3. Once I tell my mom everybody in my family and extended family will baby me and I loath that feeling.

Also sometimes it hurts just walking for a long time or fast when I'm climbing stairs. It hurts a little just sitting here at the computer
Also this morning it hurt (less than after running, more than none) just walking around

- PooPooLaTrash
There is literally a list of possibilities. The knee is complicated. There are ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone structure, muscle and any one of them or a combination could be at fault.

You need to see an orthopedist for an exam and imaging studies. When you get a diagnosis, you will be presented with treatment options. If the knee or surrounding anatomy is damaged and you opt to not treat it appropriately, the problem can become chronic and cause pain and disability for years to come. It may not be what you want, but rather a decision on what you should do for the best possible outcome.

I would strongly advise getting a doctor's diagnosis before you follow any advice given out on the internet. Otherwise, doing so could result in further problems/damage. If your doctor feels your knee problem would benefit from physical therapy or an exercise regimen, he/she will let you know.

- Richard C
Undecided, please try these movements to see if they stop your problem. Stand next to a set of steps or a curb with the feet running the same way as the length of the step. Have the right foot next to the step. Place the right foot on the step and using only that leg bring yourself up to a standing position. Do this between 10 to 15 times and then rest for 1 minute. Repeat that cycle twice more and after the last rest switch positions so that the left foot is next to the step. Now do the cycle 3 times the same way using the left leg. If you are not able to do all of the reps per set that is okay for in time you will be able to do it. Next, sit in a chair and place both feet flat on the floor. Now push down into the floor with both legs as hard as you can. Hold that push for about 5 to 10 seconds and then rest. Once you have that movement down and it is not a problem add this. While you are pushing down try to move your feet forward. No movement actually takes place but it will work the muscles that you need to control the kneecap. This should stop your problem. If you have access to a gym with a leg press, knee extension unit, and a Smith Press you can also do work with those to improve your knees. All you need to do with any or all of those units is to do a partial movement. The last 30 degrees of extension are all that you need to do. You don't need to use heavy weights but lots of reps. So using a light weight do 30 reps per set and do 3 sets. This is going to be a lot of work so make sure that the weight is very light until you get used to it.

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Orignal From: Knee Pain Problems- (Details)?

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