My right knee hurts badly after a massage?I went for a foot/leg massage at a Chinese place. After the massage, my right knee hurts so much that I cant even walk properly. It was just fine before the massage. I have been getting these massages for 2yrs, never had this problem. Also, this massage place is not new to me, but the massage lady was a new one.
What could have happened and what can I do to fix it?
Thanks a lot!
- Jane D
Considering you said you have been recieving massages for a couple years, I assume you have a pretty good understanding of what you normally feel like after a massage. To be fair, minimal tenderness can* happen if you had a deep tissue style of massage, but you should NOT be having problems using your knee to walk properly. She may not have had much (if any) training and/or experience and could have possibly hurt you. I would at the very least complain and get your money back, then if it is still in pain in a day or so go to a doctor.
Orignal From: My right knee hurts badly after a massage?
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