
Unbending knee causes pain?

Unbending knee causes pain?Recently I've been experiencing pain in my right knee, at first it seemed random, but it's gotten worse and I realized it comes from sitting with my knee bent (even slightly can do it), and then unbending my knee. It's only my right knee, and the pain is excruciating. Luckily it goes away after a couple minutes, but for those moments there's nothing I can do to ease it and it nearly brings me to tears. It's a very sharp, burning pain. I've tried looking around on the net but I don't really see anything with similar symptoms. There is no popping or grinding, and it isn't sore to the touch (no swelling, bruising, etc.)

What could be making my knee hurt so terribly only when I unbend it? And how can I treat it to stop it from hurting so horribley!

- Jono
id say check with your doctor. it could be that your cartilidge has worn down to your bone and thats what your feeling.... if that was the case though it should hurt worse to walk. it could be any number of things but the best idea is to see a doctor.

- creat 10
u need a dr-esp a ortho(bone) dr it sounds to me like a torn tendent or some form of inflamation in the joint

- writer2462000
It sounds similar to what we've been experiencing recently. My son's knee was hurting, but no swelling. The pain was excruciating and brought tears to his eyes when he was just using it. We found out that he had staph bacteria that had settled in his knee. We went to our family doctor who deals in natural medicine and he recommended some pills that took care of the pain and removed the staph. It worked a whole lot better than the prescription stuff doctors prescribe today.
If you're interested, I'll leave the email for this doctor. There may be similar doctors in your area. The company that deals with these pills is Standard Process out of Wisconsin. Everything they use is organically grown and is wonderful.
I hope you get some relief soon!

- dr. cv. knee specialist
two differential diagnosis with your symptoms-
chondromalacia patella if you are young, and patellofemoral osteoarthritis if you are old.
since it is unilateral, i suppose it is the former and you are young.
i suppose you are in the west and so meeting me is out of the question, but i can tell you that both can and should be treated.

two hints-1. exercise helps after the acute stage
2. if someone offers you arthroscopic shaving of the patella for chondromalacia, please refuse- its proven to be a failure.


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