
What happens at the orthopedist for a knee injury?

What happens at the orthopedist for a knee injury?The inner side of my knee has been hurting. I felt something pop and ever since then it has been sore and hurts when I dance/run. I also can't straighten my knee all the way. I can still walk it hurts but just a little. I looked it up online and it seemed to be in the area of my mcl but does this sound like that's the issue?I get really nervous when I go to doctors so what exactly will happen? What is the treatment for mcl injuries no surgery I hope....

- Matthew
my dad is a orthepedic surgeon. I see him do stuff to patients all the time. First they just feel around the bruised, broken, etc. part of your body and then they might take an x ray. But then they look at what they saw and they will tell you whats wrong with it. They will give you medicine or something that they have to do (they even might tell you that you need surgery). But i really dont think that its that serious. You just need to take pressure off of that leg and just be calm. There really isnt that much to worry about

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