Which fruits,vegetables have to intake for knee Pain?My Mother is suffering from Knee Pain. Which fruits,vegetables have to intake which should give better cure for my mother.Her Age is 50. Her uterus is removed 5 years back.
- piratepick
dark green leafy plants might be good
- Susan Yarrawonga
Presumably the problem is arthritis and high alkaline foods would help to reduce acidity levels that aggravate arthritis. Most fruit and vegetables are alkaline but some are much more alkaline than others.
A web search for "high alkaline foods" will tell you which fruits and vegetables are the more alkaline ones.
- Guy with a girlfriend
There are many factors to consider, given that this seems like it could be two things, a displacement of the menisci of her knees, or very much more accurately, osteo-arthritis. There are three things that I HIGHLY recommend her taking: Calcium, and then some Calcium, but most importantly, she needs some Ca2+ (Calcium) Since she no longer has her uterus to disperse estrogen, her body doesn't produce enough 'bone-producing' cells. Estrogen helps the body make these special cells, whereas the 'bone-breaker-down' cells still are functioning at full power. I have IM'd you, and hope that you respond so we can talk about what to do. Realistically, she needs to have a steady diet of calcium, and she can always take estrogen. I would consult your personal doctor for more information as to if it could be harmful to intake estrogen for her, but it is highly likely that it would do all good and no harm.
- Dan M
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me (it's all 100% natural - a colon cleanse that was really gentle on my body. I feel so good and I lost 15 pounds). You can check the website at
http://www.diet-fun-help.us , I had a free trial and paid less than $ 5.00 shipping and handling. Best of luck!
- pghealthindia
Dear Madam,
I saw your question. Well, most of my friends have answered it as take high alkaline food, calcium, etc. I wish to add some more comments to have natural way of relieving knee pain.
The cause of knee pain generally starts with High body acidity, which cause 1) loss of calcium, 2) decrease of bone density, 3) decrease of synovial fluid and membrane. 4) Improper blood circulation & 5) storage of toxins around joints.
First part of Improving Joint Health is cleansing or detoxifying it. The knee would have loaded with toxins due to improper blood circulation around it. Further the cartilage might have been started tearing. I prefer Kinotakara toxin removal patch to remove these toxins.
Second Part : Cleanse the Intestinal tract, which obstructs the absorption of nutrients from our food, through normal hifibre food like greens, vegetables or products like Organic BioGreen.
Third Part : Take Sufficient Alkaline substance like Spirulina, Liquid Alfalfa Chlorophyll, and Organic Biogreen.
Fourth Part : Repair and Rejuvenate the joints with Flax seed oils, Olive Oil which contain Omega3 fatty acids. Also take products like Gamat with Taurine which build the Collogan, necessary for joints.
Fifth Part : Drink more water when taking alkaline materials, which will flush off the toxins.
6th Part : Never take calcium tablets without sufficient Magnesium and Vitamin D (Sunshine - Go for walking in the morning)
7th : Massage the joints to improve the circulation.
I hope I covered the subject..
Good Luck & Get Well soon.
Orignal From: Which fruits,vegetables have to intake for knee Pain?
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