
Will a brace help relieve pain for osteoarthritis of the knee?

Will a brace help relieve pain for osteoarthritis of the knee?I'm 25, I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 19. I recently moved to a colder climate, and the pain is terrible sometimes.
Most of the time it hurts the worst after being still for a while (sleeping, sitting, etc.), and then trying to move it. I often walk with a limp for a while until (if) it starts to feel better.
This is a huge problem when I need to get things done. Can a brace help me for the times when the pain doesn't go away? I don't like having to be wheeled around in a wheelchair at the airport because the pain is too bad in my knee to walk after sitting on a plane for three hours, you know?

BTW: I am going to see a doctor again, but couldn't get an appointment for another 6 weeks from now.

ALSO: Is cracking my knee making it worse?

Thanks for any advice!!

- Steven G
try the new braces with heat pads in specifically made for osteo arthritis

- kinndee716
Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM in it too, those three work wonders for arthritis pain. It takes a while to start to feel better though. I also use Tiger Balm (like an icy/hot) it stinks to high heaven but it works great. If you go to a healthfood store, and get the supplement Hyaluronic Acid, it works similar to the G&C&MSM but it helps to lubricate the joints faster which decreases pain faster too. It can cause heartburn (it does to me but not my mom or grandma) so it may be worth a shot. Advil or Aleve help with pain. They make those Thermacare heat wraps now for knees, oh those are wonderful for knee pain, throw one on and ur good to go for a few hrs.
Try some gentle exercises where you stretch like yoga, or exercising in a pool helps. It takes the weight off your joints so that you can move around easier. The more you move the joints the better they will functino in the long run. Maybe talk to your doctor about going for a few sessions of physical therapy...they can show you some good exercises and activities that you can then do at home to help too...

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