
How can I prevent knee pain when standing for long periods?

How can I prevent knee pain when standing for long periods?I have a new job that requires me to stand for up to 8 hours a day. After every shift my knees feel like they are on fire. The pain usually subsides the next day. I have bad knees from playing catcher in baseball for many years. Is there anything I can do to prevent or help reduce my knee pain at work?

- Pardoman Jain
First of all you have to put shoes and tight socks that while standing for long your blood circulates properly and there is less weight on your muscles.This is like military or police men do.

Then i also doubt about your prostate gland working.Don't consume water with oily or fried food immediately.After having this type of food avoid in take of liquid or water for minimum one and half hour.

When sleeping in night put some pillow under your feet so that you can reverse some pressure.

Also before sleeping put your feet in hot water mixed with salt to revive your retired muscles

- Pedorthist
Your problem could be a number of different issues. you may want to visit a new web site that deals with feet and feet related issues (i.e. knee, hip and back pain). The site is creating interactive features( yourtube, facebook, twitter etc.) that will allow people like you to interact with feet specialist. It's all free. They have a couple of videos on their web site and youtube. Don't know if they have actually implemented all phases. They are also on Twitter so maybe you can get some answers that way. Their email is info@360footcare.com if you want more info. Web site:www.360footcare.com. They have a Q&A on their web page and maybe that might help. They have established a Twitter account at http://twitter.com/360footcare but for now it might be better to send your question via email.

- [.peOpleRsTrangE.]
wear thick socks, good shoes, & try a knee brace. also there is some stuff that is supposed to be good for knees & it's called oste bi flex i think. you can get it a drug store. i've heard it's really good for the joints or muscles in the knee.

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