
Knee Disorders: What is the reason for my knee joint pain?

What is the reason for my knee joint pain?I have done an MRI, X-Ray and others, but still there is no cause as to why i have got this pain. I have been taking a tablet called Advil and have been putting a patch that numbs the area of my knee. These are only temporary relieves. please advise on my problem and if there are any solutions. Thanks

- x067232
Try Alive. Works better and longer.
Maybe is psychological.

- The Stretch Coach
I was in the same boat as you. I hurt my knee from running and I went and had an X-ray done and heaps of other tests and they told me my knee was fine. I found out that I was losing muscle mass from overcompensating. My knee didn't have the proper muscle support to keep my knee cap (patella) in its track, so it would rub causing this unreal pain in my knee.

I went to a Physical Therapist because I was tired of being told that there was nothing wrong. They gave me some very good stretches and exercises to help strengthen the muscles that support the knee.

For more information on stretches that can help manage your knee(patella) pain, visit www.TheStretchingInstitute.com!

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