How do you ease swelling and pain in knee and ankle?My friend fell down her steps, right below her knee is swollen 3x normal size, and her ankle the same. stion on how to easy to swelling and pain?
- Devaneymom
She needs to go get some xrays. Swelling like that could indicate a fracture or a joint effusion in the knee. Until then, the best way to reduce swelling and ease pain are Ice, elevate and use an antiinflammatory like advil or motrin. Use ice wrapped in a cloth for 20 minutes every 2 hours.
- Brian
Lots of Ice and Motrin @ 800mgs at a time. Do Not go more than 2400mgs in a day. Also make sure you eat just before taking the Motrin. It may upset your stomach.
- memere
She needs to see an Orthopedic doctor. She could have fluid in the knee, a sprained ankle. If these things go untreated, it may result in more damage. I ignored the same problem in my knee and tried everything the others mentioned. Well guess what, the meniscus,(cushion in the knee) was torn. I ended up having a total knee replacement, Not fun. Take the best step and see a doctor, only he can give you the right advice. Hope she feels and gets better soon. PLEASE DON'T LET HER WAIT!
- versantly
she needs an xray ASAP to rule out fracture. while the 2 of you are waiting for the xray in the ER, have her apply ice. she can elevate the leg and take Advil for the swelling.
- lunarluau
Go to DR.
RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation)
Orignal From: How do you ease swelling and pain in knee and ankle?
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