Knee injury playing football. Diagnosis needed.?My knee took a serious bang 2 days ago. 3 hours after injury my knee swelled alarmingly, became unbearably painful and wouldn't bend or straighten. X rays revealed no breakages. Diagnosis was contusion with considerable swelling. Back to specialist in a week...any guesses whether it could be something in the ligaments? thanks.
- Ted P
Torn ligaments or hopefully on a torn tendon. Either or, if you play high school or college ball, surgery is needed. If it is the tendon you will recover quicker.
- ATsoccergirl
You aren't specific enough about what happened for me to really give you a good opinion on what may be going on. What did you bang your knee into? If you hit knees with another person, the diagnosis of a contusion would be reasonable. If you fell hard on your knee, I would then be concenered with a possible posterior cruciate ligament injury.
If your knee is not starting to improve by the time you go to the specialist, I would suggest getting an MRI to rule out any ligament or cartilage damage.
Orignal From: Knee injury playing football. Diagnosis needed.?
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