I hurt my knee and don't know what to do. How can I fix it?i have a knee disorder thingy(from rapid growth) and it pops in and outta place a lot. today it popped all the way out and it took a long time to go back in. I'm in A LOT of pain and whenever i walk it hurts help!
- jarolin c
well have you tried going to the doctors.
- isamcculloch
I would suggest going to the doctor and getting a physical therapy referral. PT could help you strengthen the muscles and structures around your knee to help stabilize your joint. If you keep popping in and out, eventually, your knee will just not stay in. You need to fix it before it gets worse.
- XHK5
i kind of have the same thing going on i play sports and every time i make a quick stop my knee pops out and i have to pop it back in i don't know about you but with me when it is out it hurts i can't move it but when it goes back in it don't hurt as much just a little sore i do a lot of icing and also a lot of strengthening exercises and it has improved a lot comparing where in the beginning it would pop out very frequently now its once a while when i m pushing it over the limits. squats help a lot google some knee strengthening exercises and you should be good
- Just me
If you know you have a problem and it got worse why would you waste your time asking people on here just get an appt with your doctor!
Orignal From: I hurt my knee and don't know what to do. How can I fix it?
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