
Knee Disorders: Exercises instead of running, knee injury?

Exercises instead of running, knee injury?I have a minor knee injury, what are some exercises i can do to avoid irritating or hurting my knee further? I mean instead of running. Normally i run about 2 to 3 miles a day.


- snowbred12
swimming is great for cardio. the eliptical works just as well as a treadmill and it doesnt put the pounding pressure on the knees as much

- He Can Swim
i am now 99% recovered from my torn acl, still cant crouch all the way and probably never will again, but you might have what i have, i tore it simply running... im not bow legged, but when i stand straight up, my thighs go straight down, but once you reach below my knees, my legs curve out slightly... the doctors i saw, including the ortho pedic surgeon who repaired my knee, said i can do anything, but running long distances will hurt... i now do a lot of biking, weight lifting (with legs), and when i was recovering, i went swimming a lot... hope this helps

- Maxx P
Swimming would be best. Stationary cycling is also good.

- Callie Ann D
swimming helped me when I was injured but I also do not know how badly you are injured...check with a doc.

- saveourworld
try biking, aqua jogging, or running on an elliptical. you could also do crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, and v-ups (lemon squeezers). good luck and i hope your knee heals up soon!

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