What is a knee disorder relating to the joint?I am a runner with several knee problems. I got my MRI results back today and I have to tell my coach tomorrow. I want to trick him and say I can't run anymore but I need a disorder or injury relating to the joint at the knee. thanks so much.
P.S. I already have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and osgood slaughter so something besides those. thanks! =]
I do want to run but i just want to trick my coach
- Mary Ann
Why can't you just say I don't want to run anymore? why the need for a medical excuse?
There are all kinds of things relating to the knee. Like wearing cartilage behind the knee cap (what I have) Chondromalacia, and also Chondroplacia, but look them both up to make sure you have your facts straight. Peice of chipped bone floating in there can cause issues too. arthritis and so on. Just Google Knee injuries.
Orignal From: What is a knee disorder relating to the joint?
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