
Knee Disorders: Is it possible for the knee ligaments to rupture due to medication for a different condition?

Is it possible for the knee ligaments to rupture due to medication for a different condition?My mother had a hysterectomy that went horribly wrong and underwent 4 more surgical procedures to correct the damage. She was given some medication - she can't remember what - and later experienced extremely painful knees. After an ex-ray she was informed that her knee ligaments were ruptured due to this medication - it was probably some strong antibiotics, steroids or hormone treatment. Is it possible that this is the case and if so how can she relive the pain she experiences during the night?

- Chris A
It is possible that a medication might damage the ligament in the knee but unless we know for sure what medication she was on it would be hard to tell you for sure

Who told you that it was the medication that weakened her ligaments? was it the Xray technician?
The Doctor? the Nurse? Who ever it was I would ask them what the medication was and do research for possible lawsuits into that medication?

- inzanium
Fluroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin) have been implacated in tendon/ligament rupture in people who have pre existing ligament problems.

I would see an orthopeaedic specialist to help out with the pain, physiotherapy and braces can actually be of help as well. If needed (and if there's no medical conditions that contraindicate it), round the clock tylenol and advil can also help.

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