
Knee Disorders: Should I take ibuprofen to speed up recovery time for my knee tendinitis?

knee tendinitis
by Pahz

Should I take ibuprofen to speed up recovery time for my knee tendinitis?I have knee tendinitis, and I really aggravated it the other day. I am resting a lot, and I don't have pain while I rest. My question is, is taking ibuprofen beneficial to the actual healing process, or does it only act as a temporary pain killer? Will taking it help my knee heal faster?

- Macintosh HD
if your doc didnt tell you to take it then dont take it

i have done clinical studies and they show that ice cream is a very good painkiller

- Alice
No, it's an anti-inflammatory, not just a pain killer, so it would help the swelling go down.

- CJ
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory, so it will help decrease the inflammation in your tendon as well as decrease the pain. That being said, you should at least call your doctor before taking any medication and make sure you follow the dosing instructions on the box.

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