
Knee Disorders: Big, painful pimple on knee (picture included)?

Big, painful pimple on knee (picture included)?hi, i woke up this morning with a disgusting, huge pimple on my left knee. it hurts and itches a lot and i'm not quite sure whether i should go see a doctor or just leave it alone. i've included a link to a picture of it hoping that i'll get some feedback on what to do. thanks.


- ~Gaby~
I've had that, but smaller. I just left it alone, and only scratched AROUND IT when it REALLY BOTHERED me. If the problem gets worse, like if they start sprouting out in other places on your legs, then you may want to see a doctor.

- Someone
omg! omggggg

thats big...try to pop it b4 it gets bigger no matter if it hurts you ont die lol


- Dakota
it looks like it hurts :(

just to be safe id go to see a doctor

it could be nothing but dont risk it!

- Kristi and Matt
Probably a boil. Take a warm wash cloth or warm compresses and hold it on your knee. Keep the heat on for about 20 minutes and then off again for about 20 minutes until the boil pops. After the wound is open try to gently squeeze any excess infection out, and wash throughly. Apply some neosporin on the area and cover with a band aid. You might have to repeat this process twice.

Good Luck!

Add: Probably started from an ingrown hair

- Slithy Tove
I think it's a cyst. Three things that could make it go away:

It goes by itself.
You gently rub it and it goes away.
If it gets bad take it to a doctor.

But if its a pimple just leave it alone or press hot wet towels on it to make it feel better (:

Hope I helped!

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