what is the best medicine/injection for restoring joint function and relief pain of KNEE osteoarthritis?i had an operation last year for meniscus repair and now i have new kind of pain in the knee.
doctors have 2 opinions: 1) lubricating the knee by using injections (Suplasin injections)
2) doing an operation for polishing the cartilage of the patella.
i am looking for the best medicine/injections to avoid doing another knee operation.
- David
try whatever the doc recommends. i had a non repairable torn meniscus and osteoarthritis. keyhole surgery restored knee function. i was able to walk, and eventually go to the gym to strengthen the knee. within six months i had a total knee replacement. this worked very well. after six weeks of physical therapy, i was back in the gym. my replacement surgery was in 6/09. i was 62 at the time. i,ve never regretted this 2nd surgery for one second.
- tod m
diabetes causes joint pain. Avoid sugar.
Orignal From: Knee Disorders: what is the best medicine/injection for restoring joint function and relief pain of KNEE osteoarthritis?
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