
Dislocated Knee?

Dislocated Knee?Yesterday I was at work on a ladder. I went to step down onto the ground when a buckle on my right pant leg got caught on the ladder. I stepped down with my left leg and since my right leg was caught my knee popped out (dislocated). When the buckle tore and I put my leg on the ground my knee popped back in. I am positive my knee cap popped out because it was in a position where it should not have been... and it hurt like hell! I was wondering if this would be classified as a dislocation of the knee? And also, more importantly, what should I do now to help it heal? It is still quite sore and is causing me to limp. Should I work it out as much as possible? or Stay keep off of it? Go to the doctor? I would really appreciate some good, well informed answers. Thanks.

- ihatea c
You go to the doctor, and after he/she looks at it will tell you whether to "work it out", or "stay off it". The best doctor/practitioner cannot give you advice without at least seeing it. He/she will want to feel it move also. Until you can get to see a doctor stay off it. Staying off it WILL NOT make it worse. "Working it out" could cause more damage. examine.

- vicci_pollard
go hosp and get checked oot

- nori
subluxation of the knee cap

- mild_irritant
That happened to me once when I tripped over an open file cabinet drawer.

Very painful for about 3 weeks - then it subsided.

I kept it wrapped tightly with an Ace bandage. That seemed to help.

- dbybell
Go to the doctor. But before you go (since it's a Sunday, I don't think there's a way to go today), wrap it in an Ace bandage and put ice on it every other hour for 15 minutes.... a heating pad does the same thing as the ice.

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