Knee locking?I recently had an arthoscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus on the left side of my right knee. Currently I've been experiencing knee locking during flexion...which is when I tried to bend the knee. The locking sensation is behind the knee on the right side. It doesn't hurt when touched, but it does have minor pain. Can anyone help to answer if it is something serious or just a matter of stretching it daily and hopefully it will go away with time? It has been 4 months since my surgery. Thanks.
- ron c
I've had ten knee surgeries from arthroscopic lazer clean the broken off shards of bones and i've also had a piece of my leg moved to stop my knee cap from moving around freely because i have no cartilegehollindg it in place and my knee locks up on me all the time ..and like you said not much pain be very annoying for need to get a muscle stimulation machine called a "tens machine" that use electrodes to stimulate blood flow and muscle growth in the probelm also talk to your doctor for a medication called's made for this exact probplem...and it works..
- Ronnie
I think that I can answer your question, and the reason for that is because I have several months ago had arthoscopic surgery, which was required for both a torn menicsus as well as a torn ACL. Knee Locking is a symptom of having a torn meniscus. To be absolutely certain, I strongly suggest that you go for a second opinion, and at the same time, to have an MRI performed. The MRI will reveal to what extent of damage that you have in your knee. My gut feeling is that it is entirely possible that you have a torn meniscus, and that the cause is from eithor you damaging your knee once more or perhaps your surgeon may have missed part of the meniscus which was torn.
As for a surgeon, I specifically recommend one who is a sports medecine because he/she is most familiar in how to handle these cases. I live in Montreal, Canada, by the way, and if you are interested, I'll be most happy to give to you details on how you may reach him.
By the way, in order to give you some relief I suggest that you take 2 Tylenol Extra Strength pills 2-3 times per day as well as you taking the following products which you may purchase at your local Health Food Store, They are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate (900 MG) 3 pills per day, MSM (1000 MG) 3 pills per day, and finally Celadrin(350 MG). At tje begommomg you are to take 2 gells per day. and that after a 2 week period you are to take 2 gells in the morning and as well 2 more gells in the day. Finally you should get this ointmen by Jamieson which has both Vitamin E as well as Glucosamine. You are to rub it once in the morning.
Good Luck
Orignal From: Knee locking?
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