knee pain?I ride my bike down to the local humane society ( 1.3 miles away ) on 5 out of 7 days a week. and when i get there i walk dogs and some times when i am walking the dogs i will start to jog the large dogs and as i start jogging the sides of my knee start to hurt and like deep in the middle of my knee so i stop jogging and i walk and after like 10 seconds the pain goes away. then when i am riding my bike back home my knee will hyrt in the same places. It is kind of a burning feeling inside the knee but is just sore feeling on the sides. what could it be? What can i do to help it when it does that? I dont believe in taking pain medication because i can handle it but i just want to know why it does that!
- Johnny D.
It should go away
take it easy
- Adam H
take asprin unless you have asthma it will kill you if you have asthma
How do i know i have asthma
Possible patella femoral syndrome. It will help to take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen to ease swelling (even though you don't want to take any meds). You need to ease up on the exercise for a bit to let things calm down. It might feel good to use an Ace wrap around the knee, too.
- Gilbert W
You have injured your knee by either jogging or twisting it in some way. The healing will take several months before it is fully restored. Don't jog on it anymore. Stick with walking and bike riding.
- Customcobbler
try here.
my doctor told me for years that it was growing pain.
i started hurting at 3 but have the same problem in my right knee at 45.
ain't no growing pain.
mine turned out to be crystal deposits that don't get move out of the joint from babying it.
I'm not going tell how to fix it because bad advice could cause more trouble.
Orignal From: knee pain?
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