
What causes knee pain and how do I manage it?

What causes knee pain and how do I manage it?I have been running 3 miles every day for a month. I have knee pain. It is not too bad but still makes me uncomfortable. During the days I do not run I have no knee pain (I usually supplement by going for a walk or swim). So what do you do to manage knee pain after running?

- mbethw7
Definitely ice it. You should also be stretching, but don't do it before you run since stretching cold can be harmful. I usually start running, and once I've gone a little I stop and stretch. Runners knee is common and can be caused by many things, you should make sure your shoes are supportive and maybe look into getting inserts. Also, doing leg strengthening exercises to work on your quads and biceps (the ones in your legs) could be beneficial. Hope this helps

- Dr. K
There are numerous causes of knee pain, for a female runner, we can narrow down the list. It's commonly caused by either a slightly misaligned hip bone that is throwing your gait off a bit resulting in extra stress on the knee or a weak hip/thigh muscle that is not properly stabilizing the hip during running that results in extra stress to the knee.

In both cases, you may consult with a sports physician to locate what is causing the problem and the doc can refer you to a physical therapist so you can isolate and work on the offending area.

- Hannibal the Cannibal
Seems like you are having problems with running. I would recommend not only good shoes, but proper running form, and to elevate and ice your knee post-run.

Another option is to add power-walking and yoga to your current workout regimen. That way, you can ensure that your joints/tendons/ligaments are strong enough to support the impact.

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