
Knee Disorders: How long will it take for my cat's torn knee ACL to heal?

How long will it take for my cat's torn knee ACL to heal?It's been about 3 or 4 weeks, and she's still pretty gimpy/limpy.

Is she in pain?


PS: We took her to the vet when it happened and she was on pain meds at first. Now she is not.

- Soul T
You can always ask the vet for some more meds and use half the dose to just dull the pain....usually by now after 4 wks there shouldn't be pain just a realization that something still isn't quite normal yet...Give it another month and try to limit her jumping movements.....

- Dani B
This is a difficult question. The length of recovery time depends on her age, her weight, the amount of damage that was done to the knee before surgery, and how active she is now. The younger, leaner, healthier, and less active she is now, the faster the recovery.

If she is older, overweight, and trying to jump a lot and do too much now, the recovery period will take much longer.

If she is moving around ok and eating well, then she shouldn't be in too much pain. If she is holed up somewhere and not eating, then her pain should be addressed by her vet.

Under good circumstances, healing should be complete in 4-6 monthes.

Good luck!

- Erin
Hi there,

I agree with Dani.

If she is overweight and older she could be gimpy/limpy for voer 8 weeks. ACL tears can take a long time to heal. And they typically cause authritis, too.

I know it's hard when you want your cat to be healed and back to normal. But if she is happy and back to normal, and just a little limpy, she's ok. I worry and fret over my baby too.

If you are seeing improvements, she's in good shape. Even if they are slow going improvments.

Take care.

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