
What do these knee pain symptoms mean?

What do these knee pain symptoms mean?I have really bad knee pain in both knees, but mostly in my right knee. I have had knee pain many times before, but not this kind. Doctors in the past have always dismissed it as me growing too fast and the ligaments and such are being stretched and stressed, but it feels completely different this time.
Sometimes, it feels as if my knee is about to give way backwards, like it would bend regularly, but in the opposite direction. I know that sounds confusing, but that's the best i can explain it.
It hurts inside and in front of the knee.
Also it is worse in the morning, and when the knee is completely extended. It also hurts really badly when i go down stairs, and badly when i go up them.
Also if im sitting for a while and stand up, it feels HORRIBLE...
And if i am sitting on the floor, and i try to stand up, i can barely stand it bc it hurts so badly.

Recently, i was carrying my three year old brother and i had to jump down from a rock terrace while holding him, and it started somewhat after that. Also, i'd been giving him piggy-back rides so im wondering if that and the jump could've caused some kind of contact trauma...

I googled most of my symptoms, and the one that seems most likey is a torn ligament. But, could i have gotten this from the jump and carrying my bro?

also, i havne't been able to run for a while because my knee has been hurting, but before it was just when i ran. now its when i walk, go up/down stairs, and try to stand.

does anyone have any idea what this could be? im 13 by the way.. if that helps.

thanks soooo much! :)

- formerly_bob
Here's a test you can perform to determine if this is a ligament or tendon problem: With your knee straight, hold your hand on your knee, and push firmly with your thumb - move your hand around and check everywhere above, below, and to the sides of the knee, and all around the knee cap. If you have ligament problems, you should notice one or more spots where you feel a knot and pressing causes unusually sharp pain.

Most likely, this is a more common knee problem known as patellofemoral syndrome or chondromalacia, which is extremely common in teenage girls. This problem is caused by combination of several very minor things that add up to a bigger problem. The main culprit is a gait where the foot is turned inward or outward when walking, or tightness or weakness in thigh muscles.

It's also possible that you have damaged the cartilage that sits between the shin and thigh bones (called the meniscus), but the location of your pain is more consistent with patellofemoral syndrome.

Info at the links:

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