What is the cause of my knee stiffness?I am 16. My right knee is stiff often. Usually when I wake up in the mourning or if I've been sitting for a long time. When it's colder outside, that seems to have an effect. I am convinced it's a form of arthritis. What do you guys think?
Note: I have never seriously injured my knee and it is only the right one. I do not have any pain only stiffness.
- Ravet
it is very possible to be a type of arthritis
- PineappleKisses
it could just be tighten muscles from no excerising enough or it could be arthistis doubt it though.
- Glorioso
well...as someone who has arthritis in their knees, the morning/long stillness causing stiffness, and the problems in the cold all sound familiar. I also had it much worse on one side, so that doesn't rule it out. If it's red, swollen, or hot those all indicate arthritis as well. Whether it's arthritis or not, you should see a doctor since if it is arthritis you need treatment (or your joint could be permanently damaged), if it's not, it could be something else serious, or it could be easily treatable, which will make your life easier.
Orignal From: What is the cause of my knee stiffness?
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