
Knee Pains?

Knee Pains?I have had knee pain about 9 years ago in High School and havent really had problems since, now its coming back, if i sit for a long time, it will basically give out on me everytime I get up.. OR a few months ago I had to go to the doctor and get x rays done, with no news...( both times I went to the doctor)my knee pain was non stop and I barley could move or bend it...
and then the pain will just die down within 4 or 5 days...and I wont have a problem ...

Anyone else know whats goin on? Im thinking about an MRI but if the pains gone will they be able to tell whats wrong? Theres no swelling or anything... and the x rays are clear, the doctors are stumped, ( 2 different doctors both times)

- Amanda W
Try going straight to a physical therapist rather than a doctor.

- elektriktourist
Try taking glucosamine. My dad had horrible joint pain and as soon as he took glucosamine the pain disappeared completely.

- yogie_boo_boo18
i have had the same problem if i were you i would get a MRI and see what the results are because it could be something serious

- Lovely B
Soft tissue damage maybe...could be something to do with your circular system and not just effecting your knees...

- girlscanfishtoo
have you ever been in a car accident, or done something to your knees that you can remember?
Im 30, and when i was in highschool i got in a bad car accident, a few years later i started getting pain in my knee, it continued for a few years, then it went to the other knee, i think it might be some kind of arthuritis...
The reason the other knee started being painfuilk is because it was taking all of the slack of the other knee.
If this doesn't help. you might keep on trying different doctors till you find the right one..
Good luck,
Knee pain sucks!

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