are my knee joints sore cos im overweight and unactive, very unfit?, im 33yrs old?do skinny fit people get sore knees aswell?,, or is it cos im too heavy for my poor knees
my husband says its cos im sooo lazy and never exercise my joints that theyr now stiff,, is he right?
i never used to get sore knees when i was thinner
if i lost weight and exercised will my knees get better?
what exercises are good to loosen my knees up?
i need to lose around 15- to 20kg, thanks xxxxxxx
oh,, and the pain comes if ive been sitting down then get up to walk, theyr so sore but after a few minutes of walking around crippled theyr fine again
- mccrackan
Yes, extra pounds will stress both your knees and the muscles surrounding them.
Yes, if you lose weight, it'll help.
Aerobic exercises are what you need. Don't worry about specific exercises for the knees--just burn off the weight. Do it now, before osteoarthritis gets you.
- Rachel H
The weight could definitely be causing the pain. Losing the weight will reduce stress on your joints. Good Luck!
- sammich
- charleighsmum
Hey darl......not being nasty but yes and thats from experience i had constant pain in my ankles before i lost 30kgs, when i lost all my weight i felt brilliant no pain never sick etc.....since having charleigh i have regained all my weight and all the pains and crap are back....i have the EXACT same problem, my ankles kill when i have been sitting and try to walk, i walk like an 80 year old and espacially at trying really hard to get motivated but wokring 20+ hours a week and dealing with a 10 month old and trying to run a house hold leaves little time for the gym...the best exercize for you would be either LIGHT walking to begin with or even riding a bike or swmming (im sure like me you couldnt imagine getting in a pool LOL)....good luck darl i feel for ya!!!!
- ♥ Charli ♥ Needs A Holiday
Can you check your 360 mail box please Missy Rockmum...
I don't know about your knees and weight being related. I get sore knees all the time, I am hard on my knees. Especially when I was younger, I'd jump off things and carry on.
When it gets really cold here, every damn joint in my body begins aching. It isn't much fun. I was splitting wood today, and I can't really feel anything else bar the pain.
And who says your unattractive??The blindman on the corner??
You are one HOT SEXY MUMMY!! And don't forget it.
Orignal From: are my knee joints sore cos im overweight and unactive, very unfit?, im 33yrs old?
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